
Fertilizing plants in the garden and on the balcony: the perfect start to the growing season

Jar je za dverami a s ňou prichádza čas, kedy naše záhrady a balkóny ožívajú. Než však rastliny rozkvitnú do svojej plnej krásy, je dôležité im poskytnúť správne živiny. Aplikácia hnojiva zohráva kľúčovú úlohu pri podpore zdravého a energického rastu. Organické hnojivá, ako je kompost alebo ovčia vlna, ponúkajú vynikajúci spôsob, ako udržateľne vyživovať vaše rastliny a zároveň zlepšiť kvalitu pôdy.


Why is now the right time to fertilize?

Early spring, before the plants enter the main growth phase, is the ideal time to fertilize. Currently, the plants begin to awaken from their winter dormancy and their nutrient requirements increase significantly. Timely fertilization ensures that the plants are well supplied from the start and can grow vigorously. 

Advantages of organic fertilizers  

Organic fertilizers, such as compost and sheep's wool, offer numerous advantages over purely inorganic fertilizers. They not only provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but also improve the structure of the soil, promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, and help to store water. They are also environmentally friendly, as few resources are usually used in their production. 

Compost: the all-rounder in the garden  

Compost is a real treasure for every garden and balcony. It is made from kitchen and garden waste and is rich in nutrients. It is quite easy to use: spread a thin layer of compost on the soil around your plants and work it lightly into the top layer of soil. Compost not only improves the nutrient supply, but also the soil structure and water retention capacity. 

Sheep's wool: natural slow-release fertilizer  

Sheep's wool is an excellent natural fertilizer that is particularly interesting for balcony gardening. It contains nitrogen and other important nutrients and releases these to the plants over an extended period. Sheep's wool can be used directly as mulch material or added to the plant substrate in the form of pellets. It ensures a continuous supply of nutrients. 


Tips for successful fertilization  

  • Correct dosage:  
    Make sure you dose organic fertilizers according to the recommendations. Over-fertilization can damage the plants.

  • Regular application:  
    While compost is usually applied once at the beginning of the season, fertilization with sheep's wool pellets can be repeated over the course of the summer to ensure a continuous supply of nutrients.  

  • Pay attention to the soil conditions:
    The type and quantity of fertilizer should also be made dependent on the condition of the soil. A soil analysis can provide information about the nutrient supply


By using organic fertilizers such as compost and sheep's wool, you not only support the growth of your plants, but also make a valuable contribution to environmental protection. Start fertilizing now to prepare your garden and balcony for a lush and colorful season. 

Not only does the NatureUp! system from GARDENA ensures an even supply of water and nutrients to your plants, but the combisystem cultivator, for example, is ideal for loosening the soil and working in fertilizer without damaging the roots of the plants. The GARDENA Spreader L is the ideal tool for spreading granulated fertilizer evenly over larger areas. 

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